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Friday, April 23, 2010

I have to admit, I have been lurking A L O T this week. See, it is really hard to type with one hand while holding the phone to your ear. And it seems as both phones have been at me ear for the ENTIRE week! And can even say that at one point, I had both of them to my ears at the same time.

It just seems alot of things are going down and have to be handled on the phone because if I saw some of these people face to face, I would need bail money!! Lots and lots of bail money!

Yesterday I thought I had it down to a dull roar and ran a few errands, relaxed in the tanning bed and was prepared for a nice evening out with some friends! I stop to get the mail on my way home, hey look, no bills!! Yea Me!! Butttt…there is a letter from AT&T. It is not my name but it is my address. I open it. It says “Thank you for establishing service with AT&T!!! Ummm, asshats, I have had your service for over 13 years. A few lines down it says if you did not recently authorized service please call. So I did! HOLD CITY! AGAIN!

Finally get a lady and I tell her that I did not authorize any services because I already have them!

Lady: Maybe your husband allowed someone to establish service with his SS number?

Me: Nope, don’t think so. He’s been dead for almost 7 years! He doesn’t need a phone or Internet!

Lady: Oh, urmm…uhh…ok then. Maybe a friend or relative?

Me: Nope, don’t even know anyone in the town that you told me they were trying to hook up service!

(See, she had already verified my address and then told me the address where they are trying to get service!)

Lady: Well, they used the same SS of your husband but a different name. And BTW, why do you still have your Hubby’s name on the account?

Me: Because I can. And as you will see, my name is also on there with my SS! I was told that was all I had to do to maintain service after he died and I moved. But back to the problem, what do I need to do to keep these people from adding an account onto mine?

Lady: We have to contact the Fraud Investigator and investigate. Please hold while I contact him!

****Cue theme from Jeopardy here…oh, about 100 times******

Lady: He is not answering. Can you hold for a couple of more minutes and I will try (insert some name I don’t remember)?

Me: Well, I can’t be on hold much longer, I have to get my kid from the bus stop. (Yes, I realize I am going to Hell for lying but I promise to save some of you a seat)

Lady: OK, I promise not even two minutes!

****insert music from the 80’s*****

This part I was actually enjoying but she came back on before the song was even over!

Lady: I will have to get back to you on Monday and have the full investigation going.

Me: So there will be NO services turned on between now and then?

Lady: The order is pending and I will put a freeze on it for now!

Me: So should I call the Police and file fraud against these people. I mean, you do have the address for them and all of that so they can go and arrest them? Before they do anything else with Tom’s information. Who knows, they may have mine off of the account too!

Lady: I will call you on Monday and nothing will be done until then. They will get no service and we will not let on that they are being investigated until we solve this problem. Have a nice weekend!

So, here I sit wondering what else Tom is buying while I am not looking! I hope I get some pretty Bling Bling!

And that has been my week! Today I am taking the day off. I refuse to shower or even get out of my jammies! You can’t make me. It is raining and yucky and I can’t think of a good reason to go outside! I have already had one nap and it is only 12:15! Take that!

TRYING to go back and comment on all of you chatty people. If I leave anybody out, please forgive me and I will send you chocolate! If there is any left~

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