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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Wednesday Why's!

Just some things I am wondering about today. You have been warned!

Why does Gregg pour a bowl full of milk and then pours cereal in and eats until the milk is gone?

Why does he always take the cereal out of the box and then wraps a rubber band around it?

Why do car makers come up with ugly ass cars?

Why is it that I can go into a “fancy, EXPENSIVE” Mall wearing just regular jeans, a t-shirt and tennie runners and people feel the need to stare? Sorry, but you are the idjits because you actually pay $100 for a top that I can get at Kohl’s for $20!

Why does the Apple store have 25 employees? Most of them standing around. But they have EXCELLENT customer service skills. Andy’s IPod Touch lost it’s back light, he called Monday night, they made him an appointment for Tuesday, walked in, handed it to the guy with one inch stones IN his ear lobes, he goes in the back, comes back, hands us a BRAND NEW one with all stuff moved and out we walk.

Why is that Mall 752 miles long and I parked at the opposite end?

Why do I still hurt from working out, I have been doing it regularly now?

Why does that thing say “ugh” every time I step on it?

Why did the sun go away?

Why isn’t it May yet?

Why haven’t I showered yet and got on with doing something productive?

Why am I boring you peeps with this shit?

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