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Saturday, June 26, 2010

Maeci's Ride

Yes, I am up at the butt crack of dawn. No, wait, that bitch isn’t even up yet. Why may you or may not ask? I am doing a good deed today and it is worth it.

A good friend of mine works with a couple whose daughter is dying from Cancer. Fucking sucks is the best description of the situation. They are the average run of the mill family that is just trying to have the American dream. Both parents work a factory job with decent pay and were gliding along until BAM!! Hodgkin’s Lymphoma comes knocking at their door. Actually, the door of their 6 year old daughter.

A little history. My Tom helped start the Miracle Ride for Riley here in Indy over 13 years ago. The last one I did with him was a month before he died. Picture in your head about 6000, yes 6000, motorcycles in one place at one time to raise money for sick kids. The committee spent the whole year putting this together. The first weekend in June was spent in a hotel room for quick naps and then working out in the sun. Every minute was worth it. Totally. I did it the first year after he died but it just became too much and me crying through the whole weekend was just too much for me.

Anywho, today I will be working another ride for Maeci. This one is only about 150 riders but that is OK. As someone that knows about the bills and crap dealing with Cancer, they can use every dime we can get. I was recruited to work the “Give me all of your money and shut up” table. My friends know me. I don’t take NO real well. See, they have to pay me their $25 to do the ride, sign the waiver and then I am selling tickets for stuff. We will have a 50/50 drawing and raffle of some other crap. But they will pay to do this. Trust me! **inserting my evil grin here**

The only bitch about this is I have to wear a BLACK t-shirt and it is supposed to get up in the 90’s today. So all of you people that are languishing by the pool or sitting in the a/c watching a movie, BITE ME!!

But if I can do something to help these people that are losing their daughter, so be it. At the end of the day I can go home and hug my kid and be grateful.

Maeci was to be at the last stop of the ride but this week her health has went downhill and she will not be allowed to leave the hospital as originally planned.

So my friends, that is my day. Tomorrow is a day of rest and then Monday…the new floor will be going in. Try thinking of Moe, Larry, and Curly putting in laminate flooring and that is what my house will look like on Monday. And Tuesday. And probably Wednesday.

Hope you all have a great day and stay cool and enjoy living.

Now, go hug your kid. Because you can.

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