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Thursday, October 6, 2011

Back to Blogging!!

Well, hmmm…guess I need to get back to this blogging thing as I have been gone too long. And there has been some things going on that I better get in writing before my senile mind forgets them.

Let’s go back and recap the parts that I remember, shall we.

March – cold, snow, cold, snow, yep, that about sums it up for Indiana weather.

April – All I remember from this month is that I was too damn excited to the 28th to come because it was time for the Annual Girls Trip to Florida. Oh my, what a trip that was. Just picture six women going 900 mile away from our men and children for a week. Some only went for five days but me and the BFF stayed two more days.

The fun started on the first day when the asshats limo driver tried to charge us more than I was quoted. See, I have some anal retentive habits and one of those is call CMA (cover my ass) sooooo I had printed out all of the emails just in case. Justin Case came in very handy. And they sucker screwed himself out of a $25 tip from some very cranky women. Then the owner had the balls to come back and still try to mess with me. WRONG move dude when I have been on the beach and at the pool for five days and drinking the day he wanted to rumble in the jungle. Really smart short, fat old man, I know some stuff and know how to take down dumb men (OK, so most of them are) but don’t play with me. You will lose!!

The first night we all ended up in the pool in our clothes. Right by the Tiki bar and man was that fun. Is it wrong when the bartenders remember you from the last year? Well, we got great service so I assuming that is a good thing, no?

Day two, just a chillin’ on the beach and pool and Tiki Bar and in our rooms and…..just fun.

I will not bore you will the rest of the week because it was a repeat of fun. We did go on a dolphin watch boat thingy that had the best driver that we got to mess with and he was hilarious. We met some friends that we will see again.

June – The boyfriend Gregg and I took 3 teenage boys to Kings Island for two day. I’ll let you picture that for a minute…………yep. Fanfuckintastic.

We leave at 9am with threats of rain. It is only about a 1 ½ to 2 hours drive from my house. Momma played smart and kept those kids up late so they would sleep on the way there. And they did. Except it RAINED like Hell THE ENTIRE TRIP. And I was driving. There were times that I was only doing 35 on the interstate. But I was a determined one, as we got in the parking lot the rain stopped.

We had rented a room for the night and it was crowded. The third child came at the last minute so they had to deal as Momma wasn’t putting out another $100 for a room for teenagers. Not happening no matter how much you whine. You may me my last child but you are not my first.

Ended up with a good time by all and no puking on the rides. Gregg drove home, I drank…oh shush…you would have too. Remember, THREE 14-15 year old boys in one car.

THEN the big thing came. Oh Hell this hurts. I had one of those damn birthday things. And, and, and….Oh Shit….I turned 45!!!!!!!!!!!!!! REALLY, how in the Hell did I get this old? REALLY? 45? If I had known I was going to live this long I would have taken better care of myself. Well, ok, maybe not but I wouldn’t have had that last kid to kill a good body. Ok, not even that, I would still have him.

Gregg did give me a nice surprise party with my friends and a CUTE cake and all that stuff. But he had the bartender put the candles on at 54 just to mess with me…asshole. The good news is I saved the candles as he will be 54 next year and I can reuse them. If I can resist putting a 1 in front that is.

The boy made it to 14….how I have no idea because that boy has pushed every button I have and then some I didn’t know about.

Ok, so I started this a month ago….I suck...oh how he wishes…but I have got to get back at this as life has been throwing me some shit that has tried to take me down.

One of my bestest, dearest, beloved, and so well missed passed on the 23rd. FUCK!!!!!!! God Bless America Cancer came into my life AGAIN!!!! I still have to do her burial this Saturday as the ass of Dr. didn’t sign her death certificate until today.

Jan Seprodi, I miss the living Hell out of you and life will never be the same!!

I have an AMAZING group of friends that we have all rallied around each other for this and I am SOOOO grateful for them!! And I hope I have helped them too.

This past two months have taught me to hold those you Love even closer as we age and shit happens.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Gone Missing

Yep, gone again for awhile.

This life is keeping me busy. I miss all of you but don’t seeing me getting caught up for a few years.

SOOOOOO freaking much going on in my life I really don’t have them time to tell all!

Kid is still alive and hitting high school next year. ISP, EAP, high school………..I may need bail money.

Vacations I have booked….for me…..

We girls leave on April 28th for a week of fun, five of us this time, some only for five days, us older bitches for 7 days. This will be the first Mother’s Day in 10 years I have been home. Due to a scheduling thing but all good! Then we have Jimmy Buffet in August, and we have a few others in between. Brown County in September…and then the big one………….

I am going on a cruise to the Eastern Caribbean 2/12/2012 with Gregg and a few other friends. No one under the age of 45 allowed! OK, that will be me but hey!

I had a little something happen last month from my deceased hubby’s company that gave me extra money each month that I am spending this next 6 months and then sock that stuff away.

I do miss all of you but DAMMIT life likes to throw me curves and crap and then I run off on a tangent then….hell…you most know me.

I really got to get back to blogging because I need this vent instead of kicking the dogs and locking the kid in the closet….JK for reals! As far as you know!

The child is on the list for an accelerated classes for his freshman class with Engineering skills and ...yada...yada….they are trying to hurt my brain talking about all of this as I have ANOTHER meeting this month.

I have been living a wonderfully fucked up exciting confused and delirious life. Can bitch about it’s my life and I LOVE every moment about it…almost! I've lived through it!

Hell, ain’t nobody getting out of this alive!!!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Long Time

Yep, gone again for awhile.

This life is keeping me busy. I miss all of you but don’t seeing me getting caught up for a few years.

SOOOOOO freaking much going on in my life I really don’t have them time to tell all!

Kid is still alive and hitting high school next year. ISP, EAP, high school………..I may need bail money.

Vacations I have booked….for me…..

We girls leave on April 28th for a week of fun, five of us this time, some only for five days, us older bitches for 7 days. This will be the first Mother’s Day in 10 years I have been home. Due to a scheduling thing but all good! Then we have Jimmy Buffet in August, and we have a few others in between. Brown County in September…and then the big one………….

I am going on a cruise to the Eastern Caribbean 2/12/2012 with Gregg and a few other friends. No one under the age of 45 allowed! OK, that will be me but hey!

I had a little something happen last month from my deceased hubby’s company that gave me extra money each month that I am spending this next 6 months and then sock that stuff away.

I do miss all of you but DAMMIT life likes to throw me curves and crap and then I run off on a tangent then….hell…you most know me.

I really got to get back to blogging because I need this vent instead of kicking the dogs and locking the kid in the closet….JK for reals! As far as you know!

The child is on the list for an accelerated classes for his freshman class with Engineering skills and ...yada...yada….they are trying to hurt my brain talking about all of this as I have ANOTHER meeting this month.

I have been living a wonderfully fucked up exciting confused and delirious life. Can bitch about it’s my life and I LOVE every moment about it…almost! I've lived through it!

Hell, ain’t nobody getting out of this alive!!!

Prev: Just Say No!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Just Say No!

My spare bedroom and laundry have been the pits for a few months. As in, I wouldn’t let my best friend in there and she has seen me at the worst.

I have been going through crap around here to have a garage sale in the spring so shit is piling up. And the books, OMFG, I have WAY too many books. Connie had given me a 6 foot tall bookcase and I already had one. One was in my laundry and I decided it was time to get those organized.

So I had to move all of the books off of bookcase #1 onto case #2. Mind you, these are hardback books. I fill up #1 and still have three shelves full. Have to move them into the room so I can move #2. Then move it. Put all of the books on the shelves. And I had two boxes of books that were my Mom’s I had stacked away.

I now have 2 6 foot tall bookcases and one 4 foot tall full of books and 4 milk crates full of paperbacks I am selling.

Now in between all of this, 5 loads of laundry from all of the crap pile around and moving the damn bed TWICE and mopping, sweeping, dusting and just in general cleaning……

I threw my back out. As in SIT THE HELL DOWN AND DON’T BREATH hurt! Walking to the bathroom felt like someone was stabbing me with a hot poker right above my ass. Not IN it but above it.

Thank you Jebus that I saved my pain meds from my last surgery. Nothing like a little Percocet high to make you forget things hurt. I haven’t been able to sit up to get on here and luckily didn’t have anywhere I had to go.

But…..I have three peoples taxes to get done and I am pretty sure being doped up is not a good time to play with the IRS.

So far today, it is at a tolerable level as long as I don’t try to walk so I am attempting to get some work done today.

If come April I get hauled away by the Feds, you will know I should have just said NO to cleaning!!

Nothing good can ever coming from cleaning. I am convinced!!

But the rooms look great.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

MIA.and back!

So, are you ready for some more lame excuses as to where I have been?

Well, I have been right here but busy.

I have been finding ways to make money on this little black box I am always on and dammit, I have been!!

I do a bunch of surveys and crap and people pay me. No, I am not making a killing but so far around $100 in about 2 weeks and entered a shitload of contest to hopefully win the crap I can’t afford.

I am also reviewing some books and get paid for that so I am not ALWAYS on the ‘puter.

I also am taking classes on becoming a travel agent. Yep, I figured I am always the one that people come to find them the best deal on trips, I may as well start getting paid for it.

I am currently working on the most important one. Our Annual Girl’s Trip to Florida. This year will be a record, I think, of FIVE of us going. Do you have ANY idea how hard it is to please FIVE women at once?

So far we have picked the date because we always go over Mother’s Day so that part was easy. We will stay at our usual hotels so another easy-peasy.

The shit starts when I have some going for 5 days and others, like me, going for seven. And some of them require more room than others and some won’t take a shower so they have to have a bathtub!

Meh, it will all work out. I have a great bunch of girls because mostly they say tell us where to be and what time and don’t lose us in the airport or the ocean.

I am also working on a few small trips for us and a couple of others for a few guys so, yep, I need to get paid for this.

In other news, everyone is alive and kicking. This is the first time in A LONG TIME that all of us have been bitten by some kind of bug. I didn’t get the shot this year and I can promise you, I won’t forget next year.

I need to get back to blogging because I miss you all and I am always thinking about it as crap builds up in my head and then it wants to asplode and that is not good.

It this damn weather. We have had snow since the first part of December and more coming tomorrow. I am going to start going to the tanning bed or I may go postal soon.

I also have started exercising (oh hush, for real) to lose some weight and so far I have lost about 4 pounds.

So see, I have been doing stuff but not on Multiply or Blogger. I know, I know, bad friend! I should be sent somewhere south to think about my actions.

I now have to go get in the shower because I haven’t for 2 days and go do stuff I have managed to put off for the last week.

I also need to come up with a name for my website for the travel thing. Any ideas from you smart people? I am not above bribing you to help me here.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Coming out of the Shadows

I am coming out to all of the blogs I have been following and not commenting. I am also am going to get back to blogging more myself. Kind of taken a mini-blogcation!